what do young people expect from candidates in the elections?




Article written by

O.Lenuzza, S.Bernuchon, E.Martin, G.Beaufils J.Jonas, L.Pekez, E.Noël – France 2

France Televisions

The France Télévisions teams went to meet the new voters. Maël, Alizée and Lina, who will vote for the first time in 2022, have many questions.

The presidential election is approaching and the teams of France Télévisions went to meet young people who will vote for the first time in 2022. Once a week, Maël helps an association supporting precarious students. “Voting is a commitment, but you have to have the candidates who follow behind. But I’m not expecting much”says the young man, who regrets that no candidate “Do not put[te] really on the table the fact of reducing student precariousness”.

In the Morvan, Alizée wants to continue living on her land. “Here, the young people who come to settle, they cannot necessarily, because there are no more schools, there are no more grocery stores either. Everything is closing, everything is dying”, she says. She expects politicians not to forget rural areas. If she does not know who she will vote for, she believes that “it’s important to vote”. In a high school, an improvisation class is dedicated to votes. Lina appreciates having “the right to speak” by voting, but find “that we don’t talk enough about young people”. She hopes not to be disappointed by the candidate she chooses.

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