the explosive confidences of Martin Blachier in “TPMP”

The pandemic linked to Covid-19 has brought out new media personalities who have sometimes created certain controversies. Everyone knows, for example, Doctor Raoult for a time adored by some and then castigated by others afterwards. But other health professionals have been able to make themselves known since the onset of the health crisis. This is particularly the case of Martin Blachier, epidimiologist regularly invited to the antennas of news channels.

Friday March 11, on the occasion of the release of his book Mega Mess – secret history of the pandemic to be published on March 10 by Editions du Cerf, this father of three children came to confide on the set of TPMP on C8. The opportunity for him to return to the controversies triggered by his positions and the support that brought him the presidential couple at that time. The doctor details his particularly significant meeting with First Lady Brigitte Macron. “She is adorable, she is someone who really has an extremely easy contact, you are completely bewitched… She is someone who is in touch and in the human and who feels things very very well and therefore I was very happy to meet her.”

But the young thirty-year-old also recounts the hell experienced during this period of high media coverage and the threats received to this effect. “I get death threat lettersat the office as well as at my home where the messages of insults pile up,” he says before adding: “I am promised hell and the mother of my three children, my ex-wife, is forced to request the change of her telephone numberharassed day and night by violent calls.”

In the spring of 2021, he was assaulted by a man whose face washidden under a hood“. “Having reached my height, he turns around and pushes me roughly with both his arms. I remain stunned as he walks a few more meters before stopping and staring at me with a provocative gaze”, he explains and continues:He’s only waiting for one thing, for me to answer him but I do not intend to give him the pleasure of a muscular confrontation. I was not afraid. I’m just stunned that it can come to this!”

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