Emmanuel Macron promises “a new great permanent debate” around the reforms if he is re-elected

Emmanuel Macron assured, Saturday March 12, that he would lead, in the event of re-election, “a new great permanent debate” with the French around several construction sites. “I want our project to be based on a method involving our compatriots more, over time, including the day after the election, by giving them a place as real actors”pleaded the candidate-president in a video of about twenty minutes, which must be broadcast in several regional meetings.

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During the quinquennium which is coming to an end, “we have implemented reforms sometimes on the run, hussar”said Emmanuel Macron. “And our compatriots, even when they believed, wanted to be actors too, wanted to carry out these reforms.” evoking of “major projects on school, health, institutional reform”he promised to “lead a new great permanent debate to act”if he is re-elected on April 24.

The slogan‘With you’it will not stop with the vote”. “During the next five years we will preside, govern, act with you” because “In the end, the responsibility must be shared”, he insisted. Emmanuel Macron also confirmed that he would further detail his program “next week”promising in particular “great ambitions for our school, our health, the care of dependency and therefore a real project of autonomy which is essential for old age” or “Strong measures for ecology, equality between women and men, for inclusion”.

In this context, the candidate-president affirmed that his project would be “structure” around four “pacts” : a “European pact, for our protection, our sovereignty” ; “a pact between the generations, from very early childhood to old age” ; “a productive pact because to carry our social model (…), we must be able to work more and produce more” ; and “a republican pact because the unity of the nation also involves the defense of secularism, stronger security and justice, respect for our borders and a project of republican integration”.

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