Russia says sanctions could bring down International Space Station

What there is to know

Western sanctions introduced against Russia could cause the fall of the International Space Station, said Saturday March 12 Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, asking for their lifting. According to him, the operation of the Russian vessels supplying the ISS will be disrupted by the sanctions, accordingly affecting the Russian segment of the station, which serves, among other things, to correct the orbit of the orbital structure. Consequently, it could cause “500 Ton ISS ‘Docking’ or ‘Landing'”. Follow the evolution of the situation in our direct.

The areas where the Russians are. The Ukrainian capital along with Mariupol on the Sea of ​​Azov, Kryvy Rig, Kremenchug, Nikopol and Zaporizhia are the main areas where the Russians are still focusing their efforts, the Ukrainian military said in a statement on Friday. “Unable to achieve success, the enemy continues its attacks with missiles and bombs on the cities deep in the territory of Ukraine, Dnipro, Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk”she added.

Banish Russia from world trade. While claiming to be concerned to avoid a “direct confrontation” between the Atlantic Alliance and Russia, because it would provoke “The Third world war”, Joe Biden, together with the European Union, showed Friday a desire to banish Russia from international trade. In particular, the American president decreed a ban on imports of “key sectors of the Russian economy” like “seafood, vodka and diamonds”. In the process, the United States and the EU have banned exports to Russia of luxury items.

EU threatens Moscow with new ‘massive sanctions’. “If (Russian President Vladimir) Putin escalates the bombings, lays siege to Kiev, if he further escalates the scenes of war, we know that we will have to take massive sanctions again”, Emmanuel Macron told the press after two days of meetings with European leaders. The French president has not ruled out that the EU could later attack gas or oil imports, which have so far been spared because of their cost for Europeans, who are very dependent on Russian hydrocarbons.

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