The case had hit the headlines a year ago, on March 13, 2021. Alicia Faye, a 25-year-old Bordeaux woman was found dead in French Guiana, with a bullet in the head. She had landed a few hours earlier in Cayenne. The fear and above all the astonishment of his parents who had absolutely seen nothing coming. At present, 10 people are indicted according to the prosecution which indicates, in a press release, that Alicia Faye would be involved in cocaine trafficking.
An argument at the origin of his death
“Heavy traffic“, specifies the prosecutor of Cayenne, between Guyana and the metropolis, via an intermediary. He would have recruited Alicia Faye in Gironde “to pass money but also cocaine between mainland France and Guyana“, indicates the press release. But this intermediary has visibly fallen out with the thinking heads of this network, about a “amount of money“related to traffic. Alicia Faye would have paid the price for this dispute.
Cocaine trafficking between Guyana and the Bordeaux region
The couple behind this traffic is in their twenties. The cocaine arrived mainly for the “Bordeaux region“, notes the Guyana prosecutor in his press release. For the moment, among the 10 people indicted, five are in pre-trial detention awaiting trial. It is about this couple, two intermediaries including the one who lives in Gironde and a man who would have tried to hide the evidence of the murder of Alicia Faye.