Covid-19: the French eager to drop the mask


Article written by

D. Basier, P. Wursthorn, T. Sinier – France 2

France Televisions

The end of health restrictions will be Monday, March 14. The vaccination pass will no longer be required to go to the restaurant and it will also be the end of the mandatory mask indoors in almost all places.

In the streets of Bordeaux (Gironde)the mask is no longer mandatory outdoors, but many still wear it. “I prefer to wait for the pandemic to stop completely to take off the mask”says a passerby. Another finds that the lifting of the wearing of the mask is a little early. For others, this measure allows them to regain their freedom. “I will leave it with pleasure because I have my three vaccines, I had Covid-19 and I tell myself that we have to learn to live with it”rejoices a woman.

A shopkeeper who wears the mask all day longs to be able to take it off. Same enthusiasm from a student who thinks that teachers will be able to hear them better in class. It seems that everyone to apply to its own rules. The mask will always remain compulsory in transport.

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