nine parliamentarians repay misappropriated sums and escape prosecution

The sums reimbursed to the Senate and the National Assembly “have oscillated between 6,707 euros and 47,299 euros”.

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Neither fine nor conviction: nine parliamentarians or former parliamentarians escape legal proceedings for embezzlement of public funds after having reimbursed the Senate or the Assembly for fraudulent expenses related to the use of their representative allowance for mandate expenses , between 2015 and 2017.

In 2018, the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) had sent the files of around fifteen elected officials to the courts after having checked the variation in their heritage, between the first rules of supervision of the IRFM in 2015 and their end of term in 2017.

Upon receipt of these reports, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) opened a preliminary investigation entrusted to the Brigade for the Suppression of Economic Crime (BRDE).

“Nine procedures concerning three deputies and six senators gave rise to a classification without action. IRFM”said the prosecution in its press release.

Amounts refunded directly to Parliament “have oscillated between 6,707 euros and 47,299 euros”.

Since 2018, several names of parliamentarians from all sides targeted by this investigation have been revealed by the press – including Yves Détraigne, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, Sandrine Mazetier, Philippe Nachbar, Frédérique Espagnac, Ary Chalus, Marc-Philippe Daubresse, Linda Gourjade – but the PNF site does not specify who is concerned by the rankings without follow-up.

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