Ukrainian refugees arrive in France


Article written by

F.Mathieux, P.Juvigny, N.Sadok – France 3

France Televisions

Fleeing the war in their country, many Ukrainian refugees are welcomed in France, where a great outpouring of solidarity is organized.

Arriving in France a few hours ago, the Ukrainian refugees are waiting in a Parisian reception center. Among them, two sisters, Ina and Lilia. Coming from Poland, they spent the night in the metro with their children. Seeing the baby they were carrying, people gave them coats, boots, diapers. “We had nothing left”notes one of them. “We thank you for welcoming us”, say the two women, who have found accommodation for the night.

Oxana and Oleg are also waiting in line with their six children, while their village, located near Kiev (Ukraine), has been destroyed. “We had an hour to flee”, testifies the father of the family. They want to obtain a temporary protection status to have the right to work and to access the French health system. Refugees can wait up to seven hours for papers. This center received 2,000 people in less than a week.

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