after his debate against Valérie Pécresse, Eric Zemmour will be discreet

The Reconquest candidate! has planned to limit his speeches after his debate against the Republican candidate. In question: the counting of speaking times.

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Éric Zemmour will soon be less talkative in the media. Indeed, if the candidate of Reconquest! for the 2022 presidential election hopes to relaunch Thursday March 10 on LCI during a one-hour debate against Valérie Pécresse, he plans to be more discreet thereafter, just like his supporters. It was the speaking time rules that led him to make this decision.

The candidate Reconquest! still has about three hours and twenty minutes per television channel until the end of March. This time is defined according to the recommendations issued by Arcom (ex-CSA) according to the polls but also the political representativeness of the candidate. However, the latter is limited for the young party.

A little over three hours per channel is both a lot and very little, Éric Zemmour has chosen the strategy of maximum discretion because he wants at all costs that his big meeting on March 27 at the Trocadéro in Paris be broadcast to the maximum. This is proof of the importance of this demonstration of force, designed to take the right wing once and for all, even if other meetings, such as those of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot, are at the program the same day.

In the meantime, the spokespersons are almost on technical unemployment. Marion Maréchal herself, yet freshly rallied to Éric Zemmour, will have to slightly adapt her media presence. As for the candidate, he will be content to try to make beautiful images, especially in the Tarn-et-Garonne where he is going this weekend. Other trips all in images are also in preparation for the rest of the campaign. Among the options, a trip to the very famous commune of Vézelay is also in the pipeline. Éric Zemmour is also tempted to appear on horseback, like a certain Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. Lowering the sound is an additional constraint at a time when Éric Zemmour would really need to be heard to get out of his bad patch.

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