The Women’s Heart Bus sets up in Cannes to screen for cardiovascular diseases

A bus that criss-crosses the roads of France and allows women to obtain information and screen for cardiovascular diseases, this is the concept of the women’s heart bus. And this year he begins his journey with us, at Cannes La Bocca.

The bus arrived on Wednesday and leaves on Friday evening. If he starts his journey by Cannes, it is not completely a coincidence… Every year, 76,000 women die from cardiovascular disease. This is the equivalent of the population of the city of Cannes…

Prevention is better than cure

By appointment, the people of Cannes were able to benefit from a complete screening course. The objective is to bring health services closer to vulnerable populations and to saving 10,000 women in 5 years.

Among the causes of death, symptoms too poorly recognized or simply attributed to fatigue. Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier, cardiologist and vascular doctor at the Lille University Hospital, reminds us that the symptoms are not the same in women as in men. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to chronic fatigue, difficulties with effort and migraines. The Professor addsWe know our body, if something is abnormal do not wait and call 112 right away“.

The bus will then criss-cross the roads of France and make 19 stops to screen a total of nearly 5,000 women.

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