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The city of Kherson (Ukraine) has been occupied since March 2 by the Russians. Demonstrations are on the rise.
Several hundred inhabitants of the town of Kherson (Ukraine) demonstrated in the city center on Wednesday, March 9, against the Russian occupier, to cries of “Kherson, this is ukraine“Located in the south of the country, it is the first big city to have fallen into the hands of Moscow (Russia), on March 2. Since then, the demonstrations have multiplied. The civilians are not armed, but they defy in spite of all the Russian soldiers. Face-to-face meetings are sometimes tense.
These protest movements are not always obvious: during a previous demonstration, a Ukrainian was arrested by Russian soldiers. To date, 400 Ukrainians have been arrested for protesting, according to Ukrainian authorities. The mayor of Khersonmeanwhile, continues to support these mobilizations.