the performances of Ukrainian President Vodolymyr Zelensky resurface on the Web!

Before becoming commander of his country’s armies, Vodolymyr Zelensky tried his hand at several careers. And it is also far from diplomatic conflicts that the Ukrainian president has made a name for himself. Indeed, before being elected President of Ukraine in 2019, he was, for several years, an actor. An artistic destiny that even led him to the floors of the Ukrainian version of “Dancing with the Stars”, called there “Tantsi z zirkamy”, and broadcast on the 1+1 channel. With our neighbors to the east, no Jean-Marc Généreux or Camille Combal but a more cabaret or even jazz club atmosphere with individual tables and a typical orchestra located behind the candidates. With his partner Olena Shoptenko, Volodymyr Zelensky had then chained the successes and seduced the public in various choreographies which resurface on the social networks. Sometimes flamenco dancer on the music of Carmen or crooner of the 50s on Blue Suede Shoes of Elvis Presley, the future president of Ukraine bursts the screen in performances that will lead him to victory.

Vodolymyr Zelensky, star of the small screen

After his victory in the Ukrainian edition of “Dancing with the Stars”, Volodymyr Zelensky then appeared in the casting of several productions, including the comedy “Rzhevsky Versus Napoleon” in 2012. An audiovisual creation whose scenario finds a funny echo in the news. Indeed, he played the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who invaded Russia… A few years later, he became popular by playing Vasyl Holoborodko, a high school history teacher who came to power somewhat by chance, in the humorous television series servant of the people. A few years later, on the strength of his great popularity, he was elected President of Ukraine with more than 73% of the votes.

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