Dragon 76, the Seine-Maritime rescue helicopter called to intervene as far as Mont-Saint-Michel

Due to a maintenance operation on the Channel rescue helicopter, Dragon 50, the Seine-Maritime helicopter, whose base is in Le Havre, could be required to resume its rescue missions, and to fly up to at the tip of La Hague or in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel.

In personal relief, regional cooperation is the rule. Thus, the Civil Security helicopter of Seine-Maritime, Dragon 76, could be called in the coming days to intervene in the Channel more than 200 kilometers from its base camp in Le Havre. But that should not have an impact on personal relief in Seine-Maritime.

The Channel helicopter, Dragon 50, based in Granville, is undergoing maintenance for two weeks. In this case, the rule is that the other surrounding helicopters can take over in the event of an intervention.

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