“We can still have a beautiful society that is built through the ballot box”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Wednesday, March 9, meeting with Thomas, 22, student at Sciences Po Bordeaux.

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Thomas, 22, is a student at Sciences Po Bordeaux. Originally from Mont-de-Marsan, he believes that the subject of regional cultures is not sufficiently present in the presidential campaign. For the student, the issue of decentralization could solve a lot of problems.

Thomas would like the question of local particularisms to be more often addressed in the debates for the presidential election. “In my opinion, it is a way of approaching politics that makes it possible to solve concrete problems in the daily lives of French men and women.

“We are generalizing a global vision of our country which is not in line with reality.”

Thomas, student

at franceinfo

For the student, giving more power to local communities is also a way of learning to live together. “It is through this message that we can conceive of a way of living together which is not in the obligation of unity, with a single way of living, but in the acceptance of cultural diversities.

If Thomas is sensitive about decentralization, he admits that his choice is not made on it. “There are other much more important matters. Equality between men and women and the ecological transition are all subjects that interest me.

Regarding the vote, Thomas has already made his choice. “My vote will go to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.“This is the first time Thomas will be able to vote in a presidential election, which makes him”very happy“. The young Landais wants to believe that we can “still have a beautiful society that is built through the ballot box“. However, according to him, “young people at the polls are not listened to enough and that is why they are not sufficiently represented or considered within the framework of public policies. So go vote!”

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