Jean-Luc Reichmann speechless in front of a candidate for the 12 noon shots with a heavy family secret

Incredible stories are always happening on television sets, whether live or through testimonials. One thinks in particular of the Maestros de Nagui in Do not forget the lyrics or even Jean-Luc Reichmann and the Twelve strokes of noon.

This Tuesday, March 8, 2022, the one who was titillated by his friend Stéphane Plaza had the right to a story that cut him the quid. Indeed, it was a new issue placed under the sign of the International Day of Women’s Rights. On this occasion, Jean-Luc Reichmann asked certain candidates to recount the experiences of women around them. Once again this has given way to sacred anecdotes such as that of Angélique.

Indeed, Angélique shared the amazing story of her mother Béatrice. This left the facilitator completely speechless. Indeed, she was exchanged the day she was born. “She had an experience the day she gave birth to me. I was switched at birth”declared the beautiful brunette at first under the amazement of Jean-Luc Reichmann.

Then, Angelique provided more details about it and added: “It lasted almost 48 hours. It was very fast: I was born and I cried a few moments before they took me to do first aid. And when I came back with my father, the baby was crying and she said to him: ‘It’s not my child, it’s not the same crying’. Immediately, everyone said to her: ‘No, you’re still under the influence of the emotion of childbirth…’ And in fact, she remained on the fact that it was not her child. She didn’t want it.”

Béatrice remains formal until she wins her case. Angelique then gave the end of the story: “After spreading the information around her in the hospital, a cleaning lady came to see her and told her that indeed, another little girl named Angélique was born the same day as me and was located on a floor above. We have exactly the same surname except for one letter.”

Jean-Luc Reichmann then reacted by saying that: “It’s traumatic !”. As a result, the candidate clarified: “We have a special bond, we are really very, very, very close both. We don’t go a day without calling each other. It’s our bond”.

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