the prefect and the sub-prefect of Loire-Atlantique at the time of the facts, under investigation, file an appeal

They contest their indictment and request the status of assisted witness, announces the parquet floor of Rennes, Monday.

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When Steve Maia Caniço died on June 22, 2019 in Nantes, Claude d’Harcourt was prefect of Loire-Atlantique. Johann Mougenot, he was sub-prefect at the time of the facts. Indicted for “manslaughter”, the two men appealed to the investigating chamber of the Rennes Court of Appeal. They contest their indictment and request the granting of the status of assisted witness, announced the parquet floor of Rennes, Monday, March 7.

“The appeals filed by the persons under investigation should be examined by the investigating chamber of the Rennes Court of Appeal in early July”, said the Rennes prosecutor’s office. They also dispute “the impartiality of an association to which was entrusted by the investigating magistrate an expertise tending to produce a visual document bringing together the elements collected within the framework of the investigations”.

In total, in this case, three people are indicted for “manslaughter”: the police commissioner in charge of the device at the time of the facts, the sub-prefect at the time of the facts and the prefect of Loire Atlantique at the time of the facts.

Three people are placed under the status of assisted witness: the deputy departmental director of public security, in office at the time of the events, the mayor of Nantes Johanna Roland and the deputy mayor in charge of security at the time of the events. The City of Nantes and Nantes Métropole are also placed under the status of assisted witness as legal persons.

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