How to pay less for shopping?

There is a lot of talk about food prices which will skyrocket, at least by more than 3% this year, probably even more, with the war in Ukraine.

franceinfo: So how to limit the bill? Are there any tips, Fanny Guinochet?

Fanny Guinochet: Already, your shopping cart will not cost you the same, depending on where you take it. Large retailers are often less expensive than small local businesses, because these behemoths can play on volumes.

And on the shelves, too, there are differences: distributor brands are often more interesting, for often equivalent qualities. Another solution is low-cost stores, such as Aldi, Lidl, or even destocking specialists such as O’destock, or destockhop, which carry out food destocking and which are flourishing more and more, almost everywhere in France.

Watch out for some products too…

Products sold at a higher price, without any justification: just one example, when they are presented as feminine – razors, toothbrushes, deodorants – they are often sold a few centimes more than for men, even though they present the same characteristics. Do not hesitate to check if the difference in cost is justified.

Can we also play on promotions and loyalty cards?

Yes, it’s classic, but it’s still advantageous. Most brands have them, and with each checkout, you earn points or euros. These devices reward your loyalty. Also think about anti-waste offers, on edible products whose expiry date is approaching: so that the food is sold quickly, its price is lowered by 30 to 50%.

If you can’t consume it quickly, you can surely freeze it. There are also applications that identify these unsold items, in the stores around you: “zero waste”, “too good to go”. It also works for products with a few imperfections, especially vegetables – which remain good – but which do not correspond in their shape, their color, to the required standards.

Finally, there is also the “cash back” system?

Yes, from the United States, it means in French “return of money”. The principle is simple: you buy online, and you receive a commission proportional to the amount you have spent on the Internet. For that, you must have a bank card and go through a cashback site.

There are about ten in France, IGraal, Poulpeo. Then you surf on your favorite brand, provided of course that it is a partner. In fact, these cash back platforms function as business introducers. The gain is not immediate, it is often necessary to have reached a certain level to receive your money by check, transfer, or paypal. It’s advantageous, and it’s growing more and more.

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