COVID-19 report | 55 fewer hospitalizations, 20 deaths

Hospitalizations continue to decline in Quebec, with 55 fewer hospitalizations reported on Saturday.

Posted at 11:01 a.m.
Updated at 12:16 p.m.

Florence Morin Martel

Florence Morin Martel
The Press

The province, however, lists 20 more people who have succumbed to COVID-19.

The 55 fewer hospitalizations in the health network translate into 73 new hospital admissions and 128 discharges. Across Quebec, 1,258 patients therefore remain hospitalized in connection with the virus, 78 of whom are still in intensive care, a decrease of 2 compared to the previous day (10 entries and 12 exits).

Authorities reported 1,210 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, bringing the 7-day daily average to 1,162. The data related to infections are however much less representative, due to the limits imposed on screening, reserved for priority groups.

Public Health nevertheless carried out 14,066 screening tests. The positivity rate is 10.4%, up slightly from the past few days. The number of active outbreaks is 480.

Slight drop in hospitalizations in Ontario

Ontario is reporting 795 hospitalizations and 253 people in intensive care related to COVID-19.

Saturday’s hospitalization data represents a slight drop from Friday, when 821 people were hospitalized with the virus and 262 were in intensive care.

The province also reported 18 new deaths.

There were 1,930 new cases of COVID-19 identified on Saturday, although the actual number is likely higher due to current virus testing policy.

With The Canadian Press

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