This is heartbreaking news that Marie Garet would have shared on her account instagram sad news. According to our colleagues from Pure Peoplethe young woman had posted a snapshot of her dog and this message: “22 years old… Holy shitty life” she would have written later on a black background. More images available on the page of the main interested party, discovered in the fifth season of Secret Story which she won.
To say that over a year ago she was facing justice
A violent altercation with her companion Dorian, leaving her “the swollen face and blood in the hair” and he, with “a major wound in the back, a black eye and blood in the ear” made headlines in the press. “I only have vague memories of the evening. I was in a difficult period, it had to come out. It’s the accumulation of 10 years of drama: my car accident, a rape, the death of my father, the diversion of part of my patients”, she said. ATwhen some had indicated that the former candidate of the Angels had been the victim of domestic violence, the latter had defended her man : “I know what domestic violence is, I’ve been a victim of it. I lived with a narcissistic pervert. We’ve been together for 14 months, so yes, we had a fight but he never raised his hand on me.”
Justice had decided to prohibit them from getting in touch. A decision not respected by our two lovebirds who hope one day to marry.
See also: Marie Garet,: Her boyfriend accused of assaulting the ex-candidate of “Secret Story!