the vitriolic tackle of an elected RN on the set of “C à Vous” against Emmanuel Macron!

There are those who find that he handles the crisis and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine very well, and there are others who will never be satisfied. This last category is none other than that comprising the eternal opponents of Emmanuel Macron and in particular certain members of the National Rally, the political party of Marine Le Pen. Indeed, Jordan Bardella, elected RN, was on the set of “C to You” on France 5, this Friday, March 5, to answer questions from Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and Patrick Cohen.

In addition to discussing Marine Le Pen’s campaign, and the fact that she will have to face a serious opponent in the first round in the person of Eric Zemmour, the show’s columnists questioned Jordan Bardella about the war in Ukraine. On the economic consequences that this would entail, and the way in which it was managed by the President of the Republic. A golden opportunity for the elected RN to share the substance of his thoughts regarding the companion of Brigitte Macron. “I think that when Vladimir Poutine dialogues with Emmanuel Macron, he does not perceive the President of the French Republic. He perceives Mr. Biden’s assistant or the representative of supranational organizations which do not or little represent the nations”he let go.

Marine Le Pen’s supporter then giving his vision of NATO and what it should focus on. “I think that NATO must be redirected in these missions. It was the framework of the meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine. He was the first Head of State received at the Elysée Palace when he was elected. These missions which consist in directing NATO on the fight against terrorism”he explained before adding: “The context has obviously evolved since then, but for France to be respected, as General de Gaulle wanted, it must be free and independent of all these major international organizations or, in reality, we are under the American flag” .

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