the device has “vocation to last”, affirms Elisabeth Borne


France 2

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Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday 3 November.

Guest on the set of “4 Truths” on France 2, Wednesday 3 November, Elisabeth Borne recalled that the Youth Engagement Contract, announced by Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, is addressed “to all young people under 26 who, despite the economic recovery, cannot find a job on their own“. These measures “is inspired by what works well, in particular the Youth Guarantee, which offers an intensive program over the first weeks“, specified the minister of Work, Employment and Integration. The latter, however, insisted on the need to “keep this intensity throughout the course” and of “offer young people career discoveries“.

The minister also responded to the criticisms formulated on the right, which castigate among other things a “electoral measure“, as the candidate LR Xavier Bertrand said Tuesday in the 4V.”I don’t know what makes it possible to say to Xavier Bertrand that [le dispositif] is only valid for 2022, we will propose an amendment in the finance bill today, which creates this new device, which is intended to last“, she explained, arguing that the Youth engagement contract would be “persistent“.

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