Sandrine Rousseau excluded from Yannick Jadot’s campaign team

According to “Le Parisien”, the unfortunate finalist in the Europe Ecology-The Greens primary made private remarks very critical of the strategy adopted by the candidate for the presidential election.

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The images of union at the end of the environmental primary have lived. Sandrine Rousseau was excluded on Thursday March 3 from Yannick Jadot’s campaign team, the presidential candidate’s campaign manager announced in a statement. This decision was motivated by the publication of vitriolic remarks on Yannick Jadot’s strategy, which The Parisian attributed to Sandrine Rousseau.

According to the daily, the unfortunate finalist in the Europe Ecology-The Greens primary considered herself kept away from Yannick Jadot’s campaign team, and privately made very critical comments about the strategy adopted. “Our great political strategists are just crap! I’m going crazy! They screw up on everything…It’s a mess”reportedly declared Sandrine Rousseau to those close to her, considering in particular that Yannick Jadot’s campaign was unable to impose “narrative” politics with the electorate.

Sandrine Rousseau formally denied to AFP the remarks reported by The Parisian. “We had to react”explains to the political service of France televisions a member of the party.

“She is free to do what she wants but these umpteenth comments against the campaign… It was no longer tenable to let her sabotage all the collective efforts!”

A member of EELV

in the political department of France Télévisions

The article of Parisian “illustrates his choices to make a personal expression prevail over the collective”believes Mounir Satouri, campaign director for Yannick Jadot. “We take note of her decision. Sandrine Rousseau therefore no longer assumes responsibilities within the environmental campaign”he adds.

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