Jean Castex details the schedule for easing health restrictions

What there is to know

A date for the end of the vaccination pass? Jean Castex speaks in the 1 p.m. television news of TF1, Thursday March 3, to announce “measures against Covid-19”, the channel said on Twitter. It should provide details on the timetable for lifting health restrictions. During his hearing on February 22 by the Senate commission of inquiry, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, had paved the way for the lifting of all restrictions, and in particular the vaccination pass, in mid-March. Follow our live.

The Polynesia lifts the vaccination obligation. The President of French Polynesia, Edouard Fritch, announced the end of the obligation to vaccinate against Covid in this overseas community where nearly 80% of people over 12 are vaccinated, during a speech Wednesday in Papeete. Since December 23, all people who worked in contact with the public had the obligation to be vaccinated against Covid-19, under penalty of a fine.

End of the state of emergency in Guyana and Mayotte. The French government declared on Wednesday the end of the state of health emergency in Guyana and Mayotte due to “the improvement of the epidemiological situation” these last weeks.

The WHO recommends the Merck pill with conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the American Merck (MSD) anti-Covid pill for patients with Covid-19 who are still mild but who are at high risk of hospitalization, especially the elderly. . This treatment, called molnupiravir, is an antiviral that must be administered quickly after the onset of symptoms.

Significant impact on mental health. Ill-being, fatigue… Mental health is one of the big victims of the Covid pandemic, with a jump of more than 25% in cases of anxiety and depression worldwide, the WHO said on Wednesday. In a new brief on the subject, the World Health Organization shows that in 2020, cases of major depressive disorders and anxiety disorders increased by 27.6% and 25.6% respectively worldwide.

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