“He is always neutral, but in this case, you have to be radical”

The Ukrainian anthem is sung several times. Several hundred UUkrainians of Paris were gathered at the end of the day, Wednesday March 2, place de l’City Hall of the capital, to demand an immediate cessation of hostilities. Before leaving, they took the time to listen to Emmanuel Macron’s speech on the Russian offensive, all together around the small enclosure.

Hearing the French anthem and the speech of Emmanuel Macron, they form a circle, some embrace. In his speech of about 15 minutes, the Head of State adopts a serious tone: “This war in Europe no longer belongs to history books or school books but who is there, before our eyes“, he details, recalling his desire to obtain a cessation of fighting. “The days to come will probably be harder and harder”declared the Head of State, recalling that “Hundreds of Ukrainian civilians have already been killed”. Before’atdress up to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “the fraternal support of France”his French counterpart introduced him as “the face of honor, freedom, bravery” and praised it “courage” of his people.

>> War in Ukraine: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech

Hearing these words, Volodymir, “like the Ukrainian president“, he specifies, feels proud. At 30, this Frenchman of Ukrainian origin breathes: “I think he had the fairest words you could say at that time. Thank you for supporting democracy, for supporting Ukrainians today.”

In turn, Stanislas, 18, and Maryna, 25, two Ukrainian students, decipher: “Macron pours water, it means he speaks well, but no action. He does not give news. Macron is always neutral. And in this case, you have to be rather radical. There, it is war.

Emmanuel Macron affirms it however: “We are not at war with Russia“, stating that “Russia is not attacked, it is the aggressor“, “this war is not a conflict between NATO and Russia” and “even less a fight against Nazism, it’s a lie“, accusing Vladimir Putin of being the “Alone” to have provoked the war. While ensuring to have “chosen to stay in touch and will stay in touch as much as necessary with President Putin.

“We must assume that diplomacy has failed”

What makes Maria jump, actress, who has lived in France for eight years: “But how can you talk to criminals? I don’t understand how you can always call him president. The world is no longer the same and we must assume today that it is war and that diplomacy has failed.

And Maria concludes: “For all of us, for the Ukrainians, the war, the Third World War has already begun. Emmanuel Macron is not combative enough. And in my opinion, no one has it enough, except the Ukrainians today, because we have no choice.”

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