Gérard Depardieu gives up coming to sing in Antibes on March 4 and 5 because of the conflict

The actor and singer Géard Depardieu was to sing Barbara at the Anthéa theater in Antibes. The concerts are postponed to the end of May.

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Gérard Depardieu gives up coming to sing in Antibes on March 4 and 5, because of the war in Ukraine, reports France Bleu Azur on Wednesday March 2 in the evening.

The actor and singer was to sing Barbara at the Anthéa theater, but he will not come given the seriousness of the events between Russia and Ukraine, according to information from France Bleu Azur. The concerts are postponed to the end of May.

The actor, who obtained Russian citizenship from Vladimir Putin, known for his closeness to the Russian president, called for “stop arms and negotiate” in a statement Tuesday, March 1. “Russia and Ukraine have always been brotherly countries. I am against this fratricidal war”said Gérard Depardieu.

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