The cash announcement of Lou, the daughter of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, on TikTok a few hours after the announcement of his disappearance…

She lost her dad… Although nothing can replace him, Lou can still count on the unfailing support of his fans and above all, of his family. Indeed, his mother Nathalie Marquay will do everything to help him overcome the bereavement. And there is no doubt that the young woman will also be able to count on her brother Tom, who should be present for her, and vice versa, in this difficult ordeal.

Jean-Pierre Pernaut had been suffering from lung cancer for several months now. In recent hours, the ex-journalist had to honor a control visit last week. A visit that the former presenter was looking forward to. However, this did not go at all as planned. Jean-Pierre Pernaut being forced to be “transferred to the large cardiology department of a large establishment for emergency surgery”according to our colleagues fromParis here. A very heavy intervention plunging him into a coma for two days. Unfortunately, he did not succeed in winning this battle… He nevertheless fought until the end and always knew how to be very strong.

Lou’s reaction

Since his death, his family has tried to give news on social networks. His ex-girlfriend, Nathalie Marquay, for example, took over her Instagram account to post a black frame, symbolizing mourning. Her daughter Lou did the same on her TikTok account. This one, very present on social networks, allowed herself to add a caption in her black frame to thank all the people who sent her many messages of support. “Thank you all for your love. We’re staying with the family for now. Enjoy your loved ones and tell them you love them”she wrote.

We wish a lot of courage to Lou, Tom, Nathalie Marquay and the other children of Jean-Pierre Pernaut as well as his whole family in this difficult ordeal. And we send them our most sincere condolences.


love u all

♬ I promise you – Johnny Hallyday

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