Gérald Darmanin announces a budget of nearly 800 million euros for career upgrades

A protocol “historical”, according to Gérald Darmanin. The Minister of the Interior and the police unions signed, Wednesday, March 2, a protocol of nearly 800 million euros over five years intended for the revaluation of the careers of the police. An unprecedented agreement, since signed by all the trade unions. The last protocol on police career upgrades dates back to April 2016.

The agreement presented on Wednesday is backed by the orientation and programming bill of the Ministry of the Interior (Lopmi), which will be presented to the Council of Ministers on March 16. This bill with an additional 15 billion euros over five years, presented as Emmanuel Macron’s security program if he seeks a second term, is suspended until the next results of the presidential election.

Gérald Darmanin explained that the agreement concerned “four pillars” : the revaluation of the most exposed functions, the accountability of the management, the revision of the rules of mobility to facilitate the assignment of police officers in the field and the improvement of the quality of life at work of the police officers.

Revaluation of premiums

At the same time, the Minister announced the opening of a discussion “on the increase in working time, in order to increase the presence on the public highway”and on “the strong limitation of transfer movements to prevent certain territories from suddenly losing a large number of their workforce”.

In detail, the protocol notably provides for the creation of a “specific bonus of 100 euros per month” for “those who are exposed to the difficulties of the public highway”the tripling of the night bonus that passes “from a maximum of 100 to 300 euros” and the step-by-step increase in the daily allowance for temporary absence (Ijat) for CRS. It is also planned to set up a “derogatory status for technical and scientific police personnel”.

Regarding the investigation sector, the OPJ bonus (judicial police officer) must increase from 1,300 to 1,500 euros per year from 1 January next and an investigative assistant function will be created. Finally, the protocol confirms the objective of “total free on national railway lines from next January 1st”.

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