Carte blanche to Mariana Mazza | Reactions to “Ode to the ease of the years”

Carte blanche to Mariana Mazza on aging touched many readers. Here is an overview of the emails received in “Ode to the ease of the years”, published on February 27 in the Background section.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.


This text by Mariana particularly touches me, because I am almost the age of the old lady she is talking about. The ease of the latter to walk around naked which touched Marianna so much, I share. Over time, our wrinkled, withered body has lost the “enhancing” function that we once gave it. Now what matters most to me about my body is its health. For the rest, well, I have wonderful memories!

Jocelyne Kucharski, septuagenarian from Bromont


This woman impresses me more and more.

Nicole Belisle


I’m not a fan of Mariana Mazza, far from it and not even at all. But I like to read her columns where she talks about simple and deep things at the same time. She manages to touch me every time.

Patricia Cretier

Now a fan

Each time I have the pleasure of reading Mariana’s texts, I am moved by her truth. I’m now a fan… Being an English speaker, I didn’t know her until she was invited to Everybody talks about it. And I judged the vulgarity of his remarks. However, she writes with great depth. I hope she will continue to write her thoughts and her life. Thank you Mariana and The Press.

Nancy Charlton

Seeing his mom naked for the first time

I really liked this text. Yesterday, I showered my mother: for the first time, I saw her naked. She underwent hip replacement surgery at age 88. I am his daughter and will soon be 64 years old, but I must admit that I felt a certain embarrassment. It’s true that we are not used to nudity and that I always feel embarrassed in the locker room.

Jacinthe Dubois

Too much

Me too, I have always, tirelessly, worked to hide these folds, these rolls, these breasts, always too too too much! I lived in a body TOO MUCH, by any standard. I taught my daughters lately that I used to change up to three times before going out. They were amazed! How? ‘Or’ What ? You ? Mom ? So strong, so proud, a leader who fought so many battles… Yes, my daughters, I was ashamed of my body until very recently. Now I’m 74, and while I still change my outfit before going out, it’s less, much less common. I live alone and try not to give a fuck…but I envy the old lady in your article.

Louise Larocque

Thank you

What to say ? What a beautiful text Mariana. Thank you.

Jocelyne Frenette, 63… soon to be 80

Beautiful example of life

It touched me, a text filled with sweetness. I did not expect this debate from the comedian. I work with the elderly and I find that it gives us a beautiful example of life, of how we should feel in our body in order to feel better with our mind. Thank you Mariana Mazza.

Isabelle Miller

A message that does good

I know Mariana Mazza as a comedian who knows how to be raw in her humor. I almost skipped over his text and came back to it; I was not disappointed with this read. Not only is it very well written, but its message is good for those who are aging, like me, or for people who don’t like their bodies. Now I know Mariana better and I like it.

Marc Brosseau


It is simply beautiful and moving. I wish the elderly lady felt that admiration, because beauty goes beyond the envelope. I thought back to this documentary on Netflix, Story of a generation, which had also marked me. It is beautiful to grow old when this experience can be shared with our young people.

Hélène Bélanger, an old woman who is not too old

Not easy to grow old

Thank you for this very beautiful text, you comfort me with the fact of aging! Me, from the top of my 58 years, who hides my body and who hardly accepts my wrinkles. The world needs women like you who realize that we are all going to go through this and that the best way to live is to accept and learn to love these body changes. It’s not easy to grow old in a society that denies this fact and hides it with thousands of dollars in cosmetic surgery. Accept and reveal what we are in real life and not after multiple surgeries. Let’s live the just right! Let’s avoid the “you are too much or you are not enough or you should be! “. Reading you was a balm to my 50-year-old heart!

Chantal Champagne

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