Admittedly in low season as in autumn 2021, the entry for children is 7.50 euros but when you have a whole small family, you are very happy to take advantage of a good plan. The good plan is the specialty of Isabelle Mayau and her colleague Marion (Les Bons Plans d’Isa and Marion, nothing but good ideas to discover in Poitou).
She was the one who drew our attention to Zoodyssée, the animal park in the Chizé forest. First of all because, as she points out: the park is very accessible from the highway and that provides 3 hours of family outing. Picnic welcome. Rental of strollers possible.
Three hours during which we discover or rediscover all the European fauna, from the heights to the Mediterranean.
So what is this free thing?
Until November 7 inclusive, if your children come in Halloween-themed costumes, admission is free for them.
So you have 6 days left to take advantage of it.
Thank you Isabelle Mayau!