what do we know about the assailant?



France 3

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A man armed with a knife is said to have threatened railway security officers at Saint-Lazare station on the night of Monday 1 to Tuesday 2 November, before they responded with their weapon. Journalist Josselin Debraux provides details.

Duplex from the station Saint Lazare (Paris), the journalist Josselin Debraux gives details on the profile of the person who would have, on the night of Monday 1 to Tuesday 2 November, threatened railway security officers with a knife. “The individual was born in 1974, he was known to the police for acts of violence, but unknown, on the other hand, to the anti-terrorism services“, he indicates.

Yesterday, shortly before midnight, the two agents decide to control an individual who is walking without a mask on a platform. The individual allegedly threw himself at railway security officers with a knife, shouting ‘Allah Akbar’. The two agents then made use of their service weapon.“, reports the journalist. Seriously injured in the thorax, his vital prognosis was still engaged Tuesday, November 2 at noon.”An investigation was opened by the Parisian judicial police while the anti-terrorism prosecution was not seized at this stage“, specifies Josselin Debraux.

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