Laurent Delahousse accused of low blow, a politician is pissed!

It’s been a long time since I hosted a political debate, I’m starting to really understand the French“. This is the little phrase that had been thrown out in the middle of the hubbub, on the air Laurent Delahousse, on June 20, 2021, on France 2, and which had put Marlène Schiappa out of her mind. The Minister in charge of Citizenship allegedly sent a killer SMS to the journalist the next day to criticize his lack of professionalism, reminding him in particular that she had no lesson in democracy to learn from him.

And it is not the only politician who is angry with the husband of Alice Taglioni. This week in the columns of the Express, we learn that Christiane Taubira was not happy with her passage in her JT, on January 15th. At the time, she had barely won the popular primary when Laurent Delahousse asked her a disturbing question.

>> See also: Jean-Paul Rouve asks for complete silence on the 8:30 p.m. set on Sunday: Laurent Delahousse very embarrassed live

He had repeatedly insisted that she answer this: “A few weeks ago you said you didn’t want to add confusion to the confusion, are you really sure tonight that you are not adding to it?”.

Christiane Taubira first threw at her: “Are you accusing me of being proud Mr. Delahousse? Do you realize that this is an election? Citizens are called upon to choose. We can respect them“. And off the air, it was much less courteous…

Indeed, according to a source quoted by our colleagues, “The tone rose, very loudly. It was not the intended driverThis member of the Taubira campaign also clarified: “Leaving the set, she fumes, strikes down Delphine Ernotte, the president of France Télévisions“. And to add that “The question about pride, it was not very honest“.


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