Juliette Armanet victim of a “shattering break”: the singer separated from the father of her son?

She sings of love, she lives it, above all. Last November, Juliet Armanet returned to the front of the stage with a sensitive and incandescent album, entitled Burn the fire. Double platinum disc for Girlfriend, rewarded at the Victoires de la Musique, the singer had even played her titles in front of Barack Obama … and therefore had the pressure by revealing the rest of her musical adventures. Fortunately, the 37-year-old artist was able to draw on his own history to write and compose.

We learn indeed, in the last magazine Numberthat Juliette Armanet came out of a “shattering rupture” when she sat down at her piano to work on Burn the fire. One title was particularly difficult to complete: imagine love. “This ultra sad song arrived two days before the masteringremembers the Lille. She picked me up. I needed to console myself by evoking the fact that when people we have loved pass away or life has made us angry with them, we can dream of them. We can imagine that tonight we are going to eat sauerkraut with them, and this vision will do us good..”

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