Toulouse returns to victory with the Bordeaux leader

The black series is finally over for Toulouse. The Haute-Garonne club, which remained on six consecutive defeats, took the best of Bordeaux-Bègles (12-11), leader of the Top 14, Sunday February 27, at the end of the 19th day of Top 14.

Three months to the day after his last success, at home against Brive (18-11), the reigning French champion was reassured. At least in terms of accounting, because after two defeats in a row at home, his overall performance turned out to be particularly sluggish.

Ejected from the Top 6 at kick-off after the results of the day before, the Toulousains nevertheless ensured the essentials by finding a place more in line with their ambitions to return to a point from Castres (5th), who has a match in more.

Beaten for the third time in a row, the Bordelo-Béglais have saved their place as leaders thanks to the defensive bonus point which gives them a lead only over Montpellier, which has one game less.

Montpellier has just regained its second place, temporarily abandoned by Lyon. By winning (30-3) with the offensive bonus on Sunday at home against Stade Français, hampered in its recovery, the formation of Hérault is living its best life.

The MHR, which has not lost in the Top 14 since October 16 and its misstep at home in front of Clermont (22-20), stretches its invincibility to chain a ninth victory in ten games. The Montpellier, transfigured since the arrival at the controls of Philippe Saint-André, once again forced the decision by relying on their power and their intractable defense.

The Stade Français (8th), which had just signed five victories in seven days, saw its rise in the classification slowed down, four points behind La Rochelle, sixth.

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