Quebec wants to administer the first doses of vaccine to children before Christmas

A vaccine under the tree? Quebec wants to give a boost to its vaccination campaign by completing the administration of the first doses in five to eleven year olds “before Christmas”.

This was indicated on Tuesday by the director of the vaccination campaign, Daniel Paré, during a press briefing in Quebec.

The inoculation strategy for children under 12 at the moment depends on Health Canada, which has still not approved any of the vaccines available in the country for children. However, Quebec says it is ready to start the machine as soon as the federal government gives it the green light.

“My goal, there, is our young people: a dose before Christmas”, launched Mr. Paré, Tuesday.

During his opening speech in mid-October, Prime Minister François Legault said he would bring down the state of health emergency once the vaccination of the youngest is over.

A few days later, Pfizer-BioNTech submitted its most recent vaccine against COVID-19 to Health Canada. Its approval would allow provinces to use it in their homes as of this fall.

The operation will be done in schools, as for 12 to 17 year olds.

“Again this morning, I was in discussion with all the school service centers in Quebec to make sure that they are in discussion with their CISSS and their CIUSSS. We are working on all our documents relating to consent for our young people, all the information sheets for parents, ”Mr. Paré summarized.

“All that is being prepared, our Clic Santé. What remains to be determined are the dates of the meetings, ”he added.

Recently, 12 to 17 year olds rose to the top of the most vaccinated age groups with a first dose. As of the latest news, 86% of them had received two doses against COVID-19.

Close to the goal?

Daniel Paré and his colleague in Public Health, Horacio Arruda, hope that the vaccination of young people will help Quebec to approach the vaccination rates required for herd immunity. For the moment, 87% of the Quebec population has received its two doses.

“With the rates we currently have, we are happy. Then I think that our vaccination coverage means that today, precisely, [on peut faire des] reliefs. It is directly linked to one another, ”raised Mr. Paré, in parallel with the announcement of relaxation by the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé.

Dr Arruda still finds himself dreaming of 100% vaccination rates, but it is “utopian,” he agreed. Quietly not quickly, Quebec is approaching its ceiling, according to him.

“I would tell you that in Quebec, I estimated that around 5% to 8% of people were really against vaccination. It’s clear that when you reach 90%, you get closer, ”he said.

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