A famous influencer hit in the middle of the street and taken to the emergency room!

This Friday, February 25, in a story posted on his account instagramAline Dessine revealed that she was the victim of an assault in the middle of the street which led her to the hospital. “A little over an hour and a half ago, on the way to the gym, someone I don’t know hit me.she explained. “Everything went super fast, I don’t quite realize yet. I didn’t understand anything, it’s fresh, I have zero perspective on it to know what to say. There, we go to the emergency room to check and have it noted .”

Although she is marked physically, it is psychologically that this incident will leave more traces. “I oscillate between a thousand emotions. For 10 minutes it’s an anxiety attack, then for 10 minutes I’m going to laugh and tell myself that I look like Carlos the squid, the handsome version, the next minute I feel nothing.”

By posting this to you, I’m afraid that it too will be used against me. But people who want me well and in whom I have total confidence told me that it was too important and that I had to talk about it, so here it is. (…) I’ll maybe talk about it once I’ve digested all that.


The influencer had been the victim of numerous insults and criticism after speaking out on the Benjamin Ledig affair (this other influencer created the buzz by twerking in a crop top in a church). If she did not defend the actions of the young man, she had denounced the relentlessness of which he is currently the victim…

See also: In tears, a member of TPMP recounts the attack he suffered!


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