Agricultural show: advice from oyster opening champion, Breton Marcel Lesoille

Present at the 2022 agricultural show in Paris, the Quiberonnais Marcel Lesoille shares his passion for the oyster with demonstrations. The man who has been world champion in oyster opening since 1995 launched a national union of scalers a year ago.

“We tend to stick the knife in the oyster, but no, it’s wrong. It’s the oyster that comes to the knife.” On the stand of the Brittany region, or on a corner of the table when he visits another stand, Marcel Lesoille multiplies the demonstrations this weekend at the agricultural show in Paris. The world oyster-opening champion for more than a quarter of a century wants convince the most reluctant of the simplicity and benefits of the product.

He served Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth II…

Le Breton opened the oysters for Prime Minister Jean Castex this Saturday evening at the agricultural show in Paris. Officiating today in Bordeaux, Marcel Lesoille has served many political figures, from Queen Elisabeth II to heads of state Bill Clinton and François Mitterrand. “I opened an oyster for Jacques Chirac with his credit card. I broke it. But the most touching personality, and I still have goosebumps, is Nelson Mandela!”

You have iron, zinc, vitamins and all the trace elements in the oyster!

This 71-year-old Quiberonnais impresses: he knows how to open 38 oysters per minute but also 28 oysters per minute… blindfolded! This performance is a way to draw attention to this product whose benefits are still too little known according to him. “You have in the oyster iron, zinc, potassium, all the trace elements, but also vitamins B, C and D as well as B12. Vitamin B12 is there to give you all the sensory parts. C That’s why they say the oyster is an aphrodisiac.”

Marcel Lesoille leads several workshops during the weekend at the agricultural fair. © Radio France
Maxim Glorious

“It’s like a wine, it can be tasted, it’s a grape variety”adds Marcel Lesoille who insists on the importance of perception. “You don’t have to be afraid to look at the product, just think of a sour candy, you put it in your mouth. And there, you will have the terroir that will stand out.”

A scale training in six months

The one who is also a member of Euro-Toques France, is fighting today for to recognize the trade of scalerwith the creation of a national union, in March 2021. “Now, we are going to structure ourselves, we are going to set up a school. Two schools made me a proposal for accelerated adult training in six months: the Paul Bocuse Institute in Lyon and the Joël Robuchon Institute in Poitiers. “

The Quiberonnais has long officiated at Belle-Ile-en-Mer.
The Quiberonnais has long officiated at Belle-Ile-en-Mer. © Radio France
Maxim Glorious

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