support for Ukraine at the heart of the Elysée Defense Council



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On the diplomacy side, a new defense council devoted to the situation in Ukraine was held at the Élysée Palace on Saturday February 26, where we find journalist Catherine Itching.

The third defense council at the Élysée of the week was held on Saturday February 26. It lasted more than two hours”to take stock of the situation in Ukraine and the particularly economic consequences for France, hence the presence of several ministers including Bruno Le Maire around the Head of State“, reports the journalist Catherine Itchinglive from the Élysée. On the discussion menu: support for Ukraine.

“According to the Élysée, President Zelensky has clearly made the choice of resistance. Therefore, European support will also be military through the supply of arms”she says. The concern of Ukraine’s neighboring countries was also mentioned.This morning, Emmanuel Macron spoke with the presidents of Moldova and Georgia, two countries who worry and fear for their safety. He reaffirmed the support of France as well as of other neighboring countries such as the Baltic States“, concludes the journalist.


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