Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | Decrease of 53 hospitalizations, 14 deaths

Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 continue to decline in Quebec, with 53 fewer patients reported on Saturday, thus falling below the 1,500 mark.

Posted at 11:01 a.m.

Florence Morin Martel

Florence Morin Martel
The Press

The province has identified 14 more people who have succumbed to COVID-19.

The 53 fewer hospitalizations reported on Saturday translate into 83 new admissions and 136 discharges. A total of 1,479 people remain hospitalized in connection with COVID-19. Of this number, 100 patients are in intensive care, a drop of 5 from the previous day.

Quebec has identified 1,175 new cases, bringing the daily average to 1,399. Due to the limits imposed on screening, reserved only for priority groups, the number of cases is less representative.

More details will follow

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