Valérie Lemercier wins the César for best actress for “Aline”

Valérie Lemercier was crowned Friday best actress at the César, prestigious ceremony of French cinema, for her interpretation of Celine Dion in the true-false biographical film that she devoted to the singer, “Aline”.

“I had a small model, and even a great model, to whom I once again tell this evening all my love and admiration, Céline of course! “said the 57-year-old actress on the Olympia stage.

Valérie Lemercier had already won the César for best actress in a secondary role in 2001.

“Aline” humorously recounts the life of Celine Dion.

Freely inspired by the life of the international star, the film, directed and worn by Valérie Lemercier, tells the story of Aline Dieu, a Quebec singer propelled to stardom thanks to her exceptional voice.

More than a biography, this sixth feature film by Valérie Lemercier is actually a declaration of love to the singer.

Gestures, costumes, voice… Nothing is left to chance. Throughout the film, Valérie Lemercier, who achieves the feat of embodying an Aline God at all ages, disappears in the guise of Celine Dion.

A vitality runs through this film, which was shot with exclusively Quebec actors (Danielle Fichaud, Sylvain Marcel, Antoine Vézina and Pascale Desrochers).

“There is a lot of second degree, but it was never about making fun. That wasn’t the point at all. He is someone I admire a lot, who never bores me. Beautiful at all ages. She “switches” everything, even the sad things, she puts on a show, she is captivating, “said the director during the presentation of the film.

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