Win a box of 6 Nontron table knives with France Bleu Périgord

France Bleu Périgord invites you to win 6 100% Périgord kitchen knives. In a pretty box, these are 6 Nontron Office table knives, with a Yatagan-shaped blade in stainless steel, full handle in woodburned boxwood and satin finish. Traditional knives that will adorn your table and impress your guests. From the Nontron cutlerythese knives are made in Nontron in Périgord Vert, in the purest tradition of French cutlery.
Le Nontron bears the name of the village where it was born. This knife is considered the oldest knife in France. We are talking about the Middle Ages. Green Périgord (the green that evokes trees) and in particular boxwood whose wood takes on a shiny appearance after polishing, which makes it a material widely used to make the handles of the Nontron knife. Below, the Bandiat river is used to quench the blades. All the raw material is on site to make beautiful Nontron knives. Later, in the late 1600s, the first Nontrons would have adorned themselves with a rotating ferrule. Today they are part of the tradition and reputation of the Nontron knife.
The “Coutellerie Nontronnaise” currently has about twenty cutlers and is labeled Living Heritage Company.

Circuit Bleu – Game Side – The Dordogne Pursuit between 11 a.m. and noon on France Bleu Périgord

To win this beautiful gift France Blue Perigord of one value of 180 euroevery day from Monday January 28 to Friday March 4, 2022, four candidates answer a maximum of questions on Périgord and general culture in 1 minute. The Bonus Question on France Bleu Périgord programs gives you the opportunity to double your points. To you the gift of the day…
As soon as you total 1 point in the week, you will be registered for the big draw on Friday at 11:50 a.m. …. Everyone now has a chance to win the weekly super giveaway!

It’s up to you to play and score as many points as possible!

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