Generation farmers in the Loiret, in the heart of the Le Chesnoy high school in Amilly

The Chesnoy high school in Amilly was founded in 1895, the pediment of the main building still testifies to it. Today, the establishment welcomes more than 1200 students on different sitesand in many training courses: general, technological or professional baccalaureate, BTS, professional licenses, preparatory classes, but also apprentice training center, adult training center, educational workshops.

Alexandre, Manon, Camille, Antonin, Maxime, Bastien and Cloé have entrusted their dreams and projects to France Bleu Orléans. Most of these students from Chesnoy to Amilly come from the agricultural world. This is no longer the case today in certain establishments that offer these courses. Corn they have a link, a story, with this world, with nature. And they have projects, all different.

Manon, in BTS, will combine two jobs to keep the family farm

Manon’s father studied at Chesnoy, and she has already spent a few years there, at boarding school, like three quarters of the high school students in this establishment. Manon is 20 years old, she is in BTS ACSE (analysis, management and strategy of the agricultural company)and will continue on a professional “risk management” license, in order to become a banking advisor, in a bank focused on the agricultural world.

Manon, student in BTS at the agricultural school of Chesnoy in Amilly © Radio France
Anne Oger

“I want to take over the farm from my parents, but I didn’t see myself doing just that, so I’m going to combine the two jobs, it will be a real asset. Our parents don’t necessarily encourage us, the situation isn’t very good, the media convey a bad image, but despite everything, they are proud, when we do it”.

Antonin and his passion for agricultural machinery

The exploitation of the parents of Antonin, 17 years old, is in Seine-et-Marne. Him, his parents do not really encourage him to take over when the time comes. “In our department, it’s a sector that is clearly in decline, so they’re not happy about it, they’re worried about the future. But I don’t think I was a year old when I first went upstairs. on an agricultural machine, it was a threshing machine. I do not see myself doing anything else”.

Antonin, study the
Antonin, studies “agricultural equipment engineering” at the Lycée du Chesnoy in Montargis © Radio France
Anne Oger

Antonin has found a compromise: he is preparing a BTS “agricultural equipment engineering”, will go to the Master, he hopes, to work for a builder. And will eventually take over the 120-hectare cereal farm, if he can and if he still wants to.. “We will see what the future holds”.

Alexandre, the youngest, in agricultural equipment professional baccalaureate

The “agricultural equipment baccalaureate” is the training that made the Lycée du Chesnoy in Amilly famous. Here we learn the maintenance of the machines, we encourage practical work on a rather extensive fleet of vehicles, in a huge hangar. This is the training followed by Alexandre, 16 years old. He has wanted, since he was very young, to take over his father’s farm, in Chateauneuf-sur-Loire. “He always left me the choice, but we’ve been in this since I was little, I only think about that. And he told me go ahead, that’s good. I even think that’s it. relieves, because exploitation, we don’t know what it will become later, so yes it’s important for him”.

Alexandre, in a vocational baccalaureate in agro-equipment
Alexandre, in a vocational baccalaureate in agro-equipment © Radio France
Anne Oger

Alexandre confides that it was perhaps the first time he rode a tractor, which decided his future. Since then, he wants to be a farmer, and nothing else.

Camille, in STAV technological baccalaureate, wants to become an inseminator

Camille, 18 years old, is one of the 50% of students at Le Chesnoy high school in Amilly, who does not come from a family of farmers. But the profession of his parents is not very far from it. They work in the banking sector, in establishments close to farmers. Originally from Conflans-sur-Loing, she is in the last year of Agronomy and Living Sciences and Technologies, a technological baccalaureate that combines practice and theory.

Camille, in the STAV final at the Chesnoy high school in Amilly
Camille, in the STAV final at the Chesnoy high school in Amilly © Radio France
Anne Oger

The theory that mixes zootechnics (all sciences around the animal world) and agronomy (life sciences, soil, etc.), as well as general education around philosophy, economics. The practice, she has access to it thanks to the agricultural exploitation of Chesnoy : 400 ewes whose meat is marketed under the Label Rouge, a real farm that allows you to understand and grasp all the issues. But Camille is destined for the profession of cattle inseminator. For this she plans to continue her studies in BTS, or to try one of the preparatory classes of the high school, which allows access to veterinary or engineering schools.

Bastien, the “city guy”, who wants to create his project dedicated to organic farming

Bastien, originally from Chécy, near Orléans, describes himself as a boy from the city, from other horizons. Student in final year STAV, like Camille, he already has in mind a well-established project. “I’ve always wanted to work in nature, it’s out of the question for me to be in an office. So these agricultural studies suit me perfectly. I learn a lot, in contact with others, we sometimes have different points of view, but We always discuss in a spirit of camaraderie, it’s very rewarding”.

Bastien, STAV final year student at Chesnoy high school
Bastien, STAV final year student at Chesnoy high school © Radio France
Anne Oger

Bastien has the project to create his own farm, in the end. “Rather in breeding, cattle or sheep, large animals, and with an organic farming project”. Bastien confides that his parents encourage him, even if at first they were a little wary, “because I didn’t come from that background. But they see that I’m happy”.

Cloé, the animal lover, wants to become an osteopath

Cloe is 18 years old. She is in general terminal, with as specialties “biology-ecology” and “physics-chemistry”. Agricultural education is the only one to offer this “ecology” dimension in terminal specialties, and that suits Cloé perfectly. The young girl, whose parents are farmers in Berry, chose a job close to animals, her passion.

Cloé wants to become an animal osteopath, she is doing a general baccalaureate
Cloé wants to become an animal osteopath, she is doing a general baccalaureate © Radio France
Anne Oger

“I want to be an animal osteopath. It’s a specialty that we know more for horses, there are a lot of them. But in fact, it’s very useful for all other animals, and we don’t find many It was when I saw the professionals working on my parents’ farm that I wanted to do this job. Anyway, when you were born and grew up in contact with nature, you don’t see each other not do anything else”.

Maxime already knows that next year he will take over the cereal farm from his father.

Maxime’s parents are based in Bazoches-Les-Hautes, in Eure-et-Loir, and the young boy’s project is already well established. It is in 2023 that he will take over the family field crop farm. For this, he is registered in BTS ACSE (analysis, management and strategy of the agricultural company). A training that will allow him to take the reins, and to carry out his own projects, “once I have repaid the loans”.

Maxime is in BTS driving analysis and strategy of an active exploitation
Maxime is in BTS driving analysis and strategy of an active exploitation © Radio France
Anne Oger

He does not seem worried about his ability to take over the family business. “I already know all the challenges of the CAP, the common agricultural policy, it may seem complicated, but when you finally look at it, you quickly understand. This essential aspect in the management of a farm today, makes part of the lessons that Maxime has followed since the beginning of his studies at the Lycée du Chesnoy: “My parents gave me the choice, but anyway, I never imagined doing anything else”.

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