Large families: Les Blois involved in a scam, a complaint soon to be filed…

For many months now, Diana Blois, her husband and their tribe of nine children are desperately looking for a new home in the vicinity of Montpellier. The candidates of Large families, life in XXL find themselves in an emergency situation because, in a short time, they will have to leave their current home because of the decision of their owner to sell the house to his daughter. To help them in their approach, they even called on Stéphane Plaza. And then, in January, they believed that their project was going to materialize.

And for good reason, Diana and Gérôme Blois were approached by a user on Instagram, which made them a very tempting offer. “She rented a small house near our house that could suit us. (…) With a big description that made me drool a little. There were five bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, living room, garden with inground pool… “, detailed the mother of the family during a live broadcast on Tuesday February 22. To top it off, this perfect house was rented out at the price of 1,350 euros per month, which is exactly the budget of Blois.

Lies big… like a house

Problem, the couple never managed to organize a visit. Each time, their subscriber had a good reason for not receiving them, such as the death of her mother or the suicide attempt of her sister. Of the supposed tragic events that have “greatly affected“Diana Blois.”Jand sent him messages of support“, she confided. But all these obstacles ended up putting a flea in the ear of her daughter Clara. After investigation, the latter ended up learning that the photos used for the announcement of the house corresponded in reality to a property located in Montauban! “I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it“, commented Diana Blois.

Fortunately, they had not paid any money to the user. They don’t know exactly what his purpose was. Scam them financially, waste their time? If they remain unanswered, they do not intend to let it go. “A complaint will be lodged by us, by the agency, by the [vrais] home owners. We have your phone number, all the conversations are recorded“warned Gérôme Blois.

At the same time, the family went back to looking for their next cozy nest…

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