A dog votes for Valérie Pécresse

This electoral campaign, I would say that it has dog. Do you see me coming to LR? We have known for a long time the concept of fictitious jobs or deceased voters, there is a novelty this year! Did you see that, the voting dog? His name is Douglass. I will explain this case to you, which is not lacking in bite. A release investigation shows that LR would have artificially inflated the number of its activists, in view of the primary. Until then, nothing new because, as my good friend Patrick Balkany said: “A primary without fraud is like a call for tenders under the table: it does not exist!”

In Hello Mailhot?Régis Mailhot has set himself a goal: to answer your questions wherever they come from!

With his sharp pen and his view of the news, the comedian Régis Mailhot gives you an appointment every day at 1:40 p.m. in My France next to Wendy Bouchard.

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