the host tells how his marriage proposal to Marie almost fell through!

Everything has smiled on Camille Combal for a few years. But in addition to his success on television as a host, the former protege of Cyril Hanouna also knows happiness in his private life. Married since 2019 to his half Marie Treille Stefani, the lovebirds await a happy event in the coming months.

Several weeks ago, the host of “Mask Singer”, “Dance with the stars”, or even “A golden family”, who never hides anything from his community, engaged in a FAQ with his subscribers by revealing on which dance he had opened the ball of his marriage with his muse. “It was on Grease I Got You because I wanted us to go back with all our friends on the track because I was too ashamed as I can’t dance”, he remembered. And since the host is never stingy with anecdotes, he revealed a new one on the set of “A golden family”. This time, Camille Combal revealed how he had asked for Marie’s hand. A request that almost never happened according to his words.

It was by leaving for Venice that the former protege of Cyril Hanouna took his courage in both hands. A courage stored in a pair of socks before. I had put the wedding ring in a little thing and I had hidden it in a sock, except that I could not find the right pair of socks anymore when I arrived and my anxiety was to lose the suitcase”he confided before indicating that Marie found him strange, in particular for the fact that he always kept their suitcase close to him: “I was holding the suitcase, she didn’t understand why I was holding the suitcase like it was like there was my life in the suitcase. And impossible to find the right pair of socks, because it’s a very small ring”.

Finally, Camille Combal finally found the right pair and could ask for the hand of the one who will now accompany her until the end of her life.

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