the Ukrainian Parliament votes the state of emergency in the face of the Russian threat

The Ukrainian Parliament adopted this Wednesday evening by a large majority the introduction of the national state of emergency in the face of the threat of a Russian invasion. “Russia’s aggressive policy towards our country has been and remains the main challenge for our security”declared in front of the deputies Oleksiï Danilov, secretary of the Council of security and national defense.

A total of 335 deputies against a required minimum of 226 votes voted for this decision proposed by President Volodymyr Zelensky and supported earlier in the day by the Security Council. Mr Danilov called on parliamentarians to vote in favor of this measure to “maintain public order” and “prevent any attempt” destabilization and coup d’etat. “According to our intelligence services and those of our partners (…) it is impossible to take over our state without internal destabilization. Internal destabilization is the number one issue for Russia”, he argued.

“The situation is not easy, but is completely under control”however assured the manager.
Earlier in the day, Mr Danilov had indicated that the state of emergency would allow the authorities to “strengthen protection” public order and strategic infrastructures, “limit the circulation of transport”, intensify the verification of citizens’ vehicles and documents. “It will not have a drastic impact on daily life” Ukrainians, he said at the time.

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