Cédric Villani “recommends reinforcing the common core from two to four hours”

According to the mathematician, Fields medalist in 2010, there should also be an option in mathematics “at an intermediate level between the common core and the demanding first-grade specialty”.

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“I recommend strengthening from two hours to four hours” the common core of mathematics, but also to re-study “the possibility of an intermediate level mathematics option between the common core and the demanding first year specialty”, declared Wednesday February 23 on franceinfo Cédric Villani, mathematician, Fields medal in 2010 (equivalent of the Nobel for maths), deputy for Essonne and ex-LREM, today close to Yannick Jadot. In 2018, he submitted a report on the teaching of mathematics.

“We must reinforce the option, in particular the common core course. In two hours, it is impossible to do everything we ask for in science”he added, while the committee of experts set up by Jean-Michel Blanquer meets for the first time on Wednesday.

“We must allow seniors to choose three specialties and not just two. This would prevent a number of senior high school students from abandoning mathematics thinking that it is not for them.”

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