unions get a 3.2% hike

The 45,000 employees of the Stellantis group are set, after seven hours of tough negotiations with management in the Paris region. Management’s latest proposal was a global envelope of3.2% wage increase with a general increase for all workers of 2.8% and for technicians outside the supervisor’s sector of 2%. The category of supervisors and executives will not have a general increase.

This is less than what the unions in Sochaux demanded, to cope with inflation. In Sochaux, the CFTC as Force Ouvrière demanded 4%. The CFE CGC bet on 4.3% and the CFTC and FO were at 4%. The CFE CGC, the majority union, says in a press release that it is “regrettable to leave between 15% and 20% of supervisors and executives without a raise after two very difficult years“. The union will consult its teams in the coming days to follow up on these proposals.

Now it remains to know the incentive and participation bonus. It will be known this Wednesday, February 23. It was €3,000 gross last year, in a context strongly marked by the Covid.

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