United States | New complaint against Amazon for anti-union practices in Alabama

(New York) The organization seeking to form a union at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama on Tuesday again accused the e-commerce giant of anti-union practices to the United States’ labor law agency (NLRB ).

Posted at 3:31 p.m.

The union representing workers in the distribution sector RWDSU had already filed complaints last year accusing the company of its conduct during a vote in the Bessemer warehouse which was concluded in April 2021 by a clear rejection of unionization.

The result has since been overturned, with the NLRB finding Amazon did indeed break the rules in that first attempt to unionize and ordering a new mail-in ballot, currently underway.

According to new complaints filed on Tuesday, the union accuses the company of removing union leaflets left in break rooms outside working hours.

The organization also accuses Amazon of having established a new rule limiting workers access to the warehouse more than thirty minutes before or after their shift hours, which would contravene a commitment of the company not to modify the internal instructions.

Finally, RWDSU criticizes Amazon for forcing employees to take part, during their working hours, in meetings during which the unions are criticized. According to the union, workers should have the right not to participate.

“Although we have not yet seen the documents filed (Tuesday), we are confident that our teams have fully complied with the law,” responded an Amazon spokeswoman.

“Our goal remains to work directly with teams to provide a great place to work at Amazon,” she added.

The e-commerce giant is currently facing several attempts to unionize, with workers at a warehouse located on Staten Island in New York notably having to vote from March 25 to 30 on the creation of a union on the site.

Employees of another Staten Island warehouse have also filed a file for the organization of a ballot.

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