at the Lille University Hospital, a still high number of hospitalizations


France 2

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Hospital tension remains high due to Covid-19. This is particularly the case at the University Hospital of Lille (Nord).

This patient has been hospitalized for three weeks at Lille hospital (Nord). Suffering from a chronic pathology and more recently from Covid-19, at 94, he needs time to recover. “I feel very fragile compared to before”, says the old man. Like him, many cases of Covid-19 are detected among patients who have come to the hospital for another reason.

Cases which partly explain why 28,000 people are still hospitalized for Covid-19, while the epidemic is decreasing in France. “We are no longer saturated with the serious forms that we have known, but now we are very busy with patients who have a conventional disease and a Covid status”, says Professor Marc Lambert, internist at the Lille University Hospital. In France, however, the number of admissions has started to fall since the beginning of February.

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