Election in France on April 10 | Zemmour hopes up to 50,000 people at an electoral assembly in March

(Paris) The entourage of candidate Éric Zemmour hopes to hold an electoral assembly of 30,000 to 50,000 people towards the “end of March”, indicated one of his collaborators, the daily Le Figaro referring to the track of the Place du Trocadéro in Paris .

Posted at 3:15 p.m.

“It is being considered. We search. It can be a stadium or outdoors. More like the end of March. The campaign will crystallize in the last three weeks, all the candidates know it. Fortunately, we have stuff in reserve, ”said someone close to the candidate to AFP on Tuesday noon.

At the beginning of February, Olivier Ubéda, Éric Zemmour’s event manager, had mentioned “the hypothesis” of a gathering of “30,000 to 50,000” supporters, during an interview with the online media Livre noir, close by Marion Marshal.

According to Le Figaro, Tuesday evening, the team of the candidate Reconquest! would consider organizing this meeting on the Place du Trocadéro on the last weekend of March, as a nod to the right-wing electorate.

In 2017, it was on this square that the then LR candidate François Fillon gathered tens of thousands of supporters on March 5 and ruled out retiring, despite accusations of his wife’s fictitious employment which paralyzed his campaign. .

Since then, the expression “right of Trocadéro” has flourished to designate the conservative and Catholic fringe of its electorate, in particular around the Manif pour tous (opposed to homosexual marriage in 2012 and 2013).

1er May 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy had also organized a meeting at the Trocadéro before the second round lost against François Hollande.

On Tuesday, Éric Zemmour also devoted part of his day to taxation. Before the anti-tax association Contribuables associés, he judged that the French were “overwhelmed” and “crushed” with taxes.

He also proposed to reduce the number of local elected officials, taking up Nicolas Sarkozy’s idea of ​​a territorial adviser, with the dual role of departmental and regional adviser.

In an interview with Le Figaro, the far-right candidate also announced that he wanted to exempt from capital gains tax the sale of real estate after 15 years of detention.

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